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[Bug-tar] Need Information!!!

From: www.southspice.tk \[Sakthi\]
Subject: [Bug-tar] Need Information!!!
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:54:30 -0000

    I have a file named source with the content as below. This file does not have any extension


    PATS_TRACK,Y26YD28NYR,CHLG4614AA,01/10/07 18:20:37,CT,FCCIT03D,,CHLG4614AA,10.1,F,,,,,TI__PING


    and when i use the command in RH 7.2 Bash Shell


    tar -zcf zipout.gz source


    I am getting zipout.gz gunzip format zip file but when i use the win-rar and open the zip file the contents are as below



flexflow 0100744 0000000 0000000 00000000137 10553322514 011330 0 ustar root root PATS_TRACK,Y26YD28NYR,CHLG4614AA,01/10/07 18:20:37,CT,FCCIT03D,,CHLG4614AA,10.1,F,,,,,TI__PING


So because of this our application is unable to read the values in correct format. Can anyone tell me how to create a zip files with only the contents of source file and no other information?



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