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[Bug-tar] tar doesn't stop after extracting with occurrence parameter

From: mascha
Subject: [Bug-tar] tar doesn't stop after extracting with occurrence parameter
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 09:27:45 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.15


I use tar 1.20. I want to extract one single file from a 16GB tar archive that is gzipped with
the following command line:

"tar -xzp --occurrence=1 --ignore-failed-read -C 'target' -f 'tgz' 'file'
>/dev/null 2>&1"

It extracts the file after some seconds but doesn't stop. top shows a gzip process running. After some minutes gzip stops and tar ends. I read in the changelogs to an earlier version that such a bug was fixed.

Is this expected to work?

Thank you for any help.


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