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Re: [Bug-tar] Tar cheats when directed to /dev/null

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: [Bug-tar] Tar cheats when directed to /dev/null
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 14:22:04 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100301 Fedora/3.0.3-1.fc12 Lightning/1.0b1 Thunderbird/3.0.3

On 03/25/2010 11:53 AM, Sergey Poznyakoff wrote:
>> It doesn't really
>> matter how long it has been doing it for; wrong is wrong.
> Perhaps, it is or it is not. It just means I cannot all of a sudden
> change this default just because one of the usere deems it wrong.

To prove that this is wrong, you would have to point to a place in the
POSIX specification that forbids similar behavior for pax(1); I cannot
find such text.  Lacking proof that it is wrong, I agree with Sergey's
stance that it matches the documentation, and that changing it now would
be a mistake.

Eric Blake   address@hidden    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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