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Re: [Bug-tar] Unpacking a tar with a "./" entry changes dir timestamp an

From: Gene Heskett
Subject: Re: [Bug-tar] Unpacking a tar with a "./" entry changes dir timestamp and maybe ownership too
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 09:56:56 -0400
User-agent: KMail/1.13.5 (Linux/; KDE/4.5.0; i686; ; )

On Monday, August 16, 2010 09:50:17 am Sergey Poznyakoff did opine:

> Hugo Mildenberger <address@hidden> ha escrit:
> > I've found no way to stop tar from expanding the "./" entry.
> Use either
>    tar --strip=1 -xf some-archive.tar
> or
>    tar -xf some-archive.tar --no-wildcards --no-recursive --exclude .
> To avoid storing '.' in the archive use:
>    find .  -not -name '.' | tar cfT some-archive.tar -
> Regards,
> Sergey

I expected a better reply, Sergey.  This is a copout over a huge security 
problem.  Yes, it would be nice to 'fix' the user by telling him not to do 
that, but how are you going to do that from a mailing list that is not 
subcribed to by 99.9999999% of the tar users and who will never see this 

Its tar that needs fixed, by precheckng the perms on . and refusing to touch 
. if it has no rights.  Please do the right thing.

Cheers, Gene
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