The new version of tar has become non-deterministic.
> for f in $(seq 10); do tar -cp -T filelist -f - | md5sum; done
ecaec8575b3c4609b99475c4378bdf7a -
ecaec8575b3c4609b99475c4378bdf7a -
ecaec8575b3c4609b99475c4378bdf7a -
ecaec8575b3c4609b99475c4378bdf7a -
ecaec8575b3c4609b99475c4378bdf7a -
ecaec8575b3c4609b99475c4378bdf7a -
ecaec8575b3c4609b99475c4378bdf7a -
ba5400215dcec292bf807025981c8856 - <-- change
ba5400215dcec292bf807025981c8856 -
ba5400215dcec292bf807025981c8856 -
# 1.26
> for f in $(seq 10); do tar -cp -T filelist -f - | md5sum; done
85e65f5b675d42852c2689bfa2959467 -
85e65f5b675d42852c2689bfa2959467 -
85e65f5b675d42852c2689bfa2959467 -
85e65f5b675d42852c2689bfa2959467 -
85e65f5b675d42852c2689bfa2959467 -
85e65f5b675d42852c2689bfa2959467 -
85e65f5b675d42852c2689bfa2959467 -
85e65f5b675d42852c2689bfa2959467 -
85e65f5b675d42852c2689bfa2959467 -
85e65f5b675d42852c2689bfa2959467 -
This is a problem for me because I used to compare SHA hashes of tar files to detect change. Now my scripts constantly think content has changed.
Is this a bug? If not, is there a way to disable or manually provide this internal timestamp?