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Re: [Bug-tar] [PATCH] Option to treat tarbombs as errors

From: Connor Behan
Subject: Re: [Bug-tar] [PATCH] Option to treat tarbombs as errors
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 18:58:03 -0800
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On 27/11/13 08:25 AM, Joshua Hudson wrote:
> It is my opinion this patch is incorrect in design.
> If I were to arrange for the first file to be .bashrc, you would get the 
> error, but the damage would already be done.
Good point. The patch prevents the clutter of a tarbomb but it wouldn't
be able to save this first file.
> What would be immediately beneficial is a patch that provides option if given 
> tar -xf filename.tar*, ensuring
> that all paths begin with filename/, and prepending filename/ if they don't. 
> Do mkdir filename first for the obvious reason.
You might be interested in and earlier version of the patch:

Paul said a simpler patch that just causes an error would be preferable
but so far neither version has been accepted. It all depends on what
Sergey says if / when he looks at this. I'll post an updated version
that prepends filename/ and then try to ping the maintainers.

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