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Re: [Bug-tar] linux-backup-include-empty-swapfile (embedded)

From: Sergey Poznyakoff
Subject: Re: [Bug-tar] linux-backup-include-empty-swapfile (embedded)
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2017 23:57:28 +0300

Michael R. Lawrence CISSP <address@hidden> ha escrit:

> https://superuser.com/questions/1214855/linux-backup-include-empty-swapfile
> tar -cvJf backup.tar.xz --exclude=/backup.tar.xz --one-file-system /
> --emptyfile /var/swapfile   alias EXCLUDE , touch > filename > /var/swapfile
>  @ tar.xz (etc)
> touching the the swap file crashes tar...  , however a empty placeholder
> wanted root owned... , as it needs to be , as its were RPI-3 adds swap ram.

Could you take the trouble to explain what did you mean?  With all due
respect, this seems completely undecipherable to me.


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