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Re: address@hidden: Bug#122594: info: Index isn't sure if it should be c

From: Anthony DeRobertis
Subject: Re: address@hidden: Bug#122594: info: Index isn't sure if it should be case sensitive or not]
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 23:02:38 GMT

Eli Zaretskii writes:
Do the two changes below, applied one after the other, help solve
this problem?

I don't think so, unless I fudged the build up. I did an apt-get source, patch -p0, then dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b. Naturally, the signing failed. BTW: Both patches applied with an offset of -3. I then did dpkg -i on the resulting deb. After doing that, info still gives the weird behavior for YYER<tab> turning into yyerro instead of either YYERRO or YYERROR.
For example, there
are manuals where all index entries begin with a capital letter;
users shouldn't be expected to know that.

Well, if the user typed in "inde" it wouldn't matter if the info author used "INDEX" instead of "index"; lowercase matches anything. Only if the user typed in something with uppercase would it matter, but that's arguably a bug with the documentation if the case on, e.g., C identifiers is wrong. Or at least my C compiler thinks its a bug when I use the wrong case for identifiers ;-)

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