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Re: implementation language [was: library for unicode collation in C for

From: Arsen Arsenović
Subject: Re: implementation language [was: library for unicode collation in C for texi2any?]
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2023 23:30:58 +0200

Per Bothner <per@bothner.com> writes:

>> I'm not much of a fan of C++ tbh.
> I have a lot of C++ experience, and I am a big fan. For almost any program
> where C might be a reasonable choice, C++ is likely to be a better choice.
> C++ is admittedly a big complicated language - but if you focus on
> C and add classes, methods, and inheritance it's not very complicated
> and it's already a big win over C. Memmory management (RAII) is also easier
> and less error-prone:
> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/object-lifetime-and-resource-management-modern-cpp?view=msvc-170
> It is much easier to make a large C++ program well-structured and 
> maintainable:
> Classes help immeasurably, as do namespaces.

+1.  I agree wholeheartedly with this.

I do echo that C++ is big and complicated, and so, it takes some
practice, but I think the payoff is worth it.

Have a lovely night.
Arsen Arsenović

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