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Re: XDG directory compliance?

From: Gavin Smith
Subject: Re: XDG directory compliance?
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2023 18:30:34 +0000

On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 07:46:01PM +0100, Gavin Smith wrote:
> One thing I've been thinking of doing for a while is to make Texinfo
> programs meet the XDG standard:
> https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
> The only file I'm aware of is .infokey for the info program, but there
> may be others.  This would mean that the file moves from '$HOME/.infokey'
> to '$HOME/.config/infokey' or possibly '$HOME/.config/texinfo/infokey'.
> I feel it makes it easier when moving between different computers to
> minimise the number of "dotfiles" in one's home directory and knowing
> what is disposable and what should be kept.
> Does anybody have any thoughts on this?

I've done this.  I made it look under a subdirectory "texinfo" rather
than directly in .config as that seemed the common way of using this

I also implemented looking for the infokey file in XDG_CONFIG_DIRS for
completeness, although it didn't seem as important as XDG_CONFIG_HOME.

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