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Re: texi2dvi fails to produce maxima pdf manual on Fedora 41

From: Gavin Smith
Subject: Re: texi2dvi fails to produce maxima pdf manual on Fedora 41
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 17:19:56 +0000

On Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 08:16:22AM -0800, Raymond Toy wrote:
> I have a strange issue with texi2dvi 7.1 that is included with Fedora 41.
> I'm trying to build the maxima pdf manual using the current maxima git
> HEAD.  It fails with the following message:
> ```
> (/home/toy/src/sourceforge/maxima/doc/info/es/../category-macros.texi)
> Cap@'{@char 16{}}tulo 1
> (/home/toy/src/sourceforge/maxima/doc/info/es/../maxima.aux)
> Runaway argument?
> {push-tit
> /home/toy/src/sourceforge/maxima/doc/info/es/include-maxima.texi:687: File
> ende
> d while scanning use of @xrdef.
> <inserted text>
> ```
> And if you look at the end of maxima.aux, it is truncated:
> ```
> @xrdef{pop-title}{Functions and Variables for Lists}
> @xrdef{pop-snt}{}
> @xrdef{push-tit
> ```

I don't know of any reason why this file would be truncated.  I doubt
it is a bug in texi2dvi.  Maybe the disk ran out of space?

What follows in maxima.aux if the file is correctly output?

You could try deleting "maxima.aux" and then running "pdftex maxima.texi"
(or whatever the input file is called).  This could show what was going
wrong with just wrong run of TeX.

I am guessing this is a Spanish translation of the manual from the "es" in
the file path and the translation of the word "Chapter" as "CapĂ­tulo".

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