Cialifs Soft Tads as low as $5.78
Just like regular Cialifs but specially formulated, these piIIs are soft and dissolvable under the tongue.
The effect of this is more direct absorption into the bIoodstream, rather than through the stomach.
Result - a powerful, lasting effect of up to 36 hours.
Vliagtra Professional as low as $4.07
Vliagtra is a prescription brug used to treat ereectlon difficulties, such as ereectiIe dysfunction (ED).
Vliagsra Soft Tads as low as $4.1
Vliagtra Soft Tads are mint flavored soft tabIeets for the treatment of male ereectiIe dysfunction.
They are equivalent to regular Vliaghra®, however due to their soft formulation,
they are absorbed directly into the bIoodstream. As such,
they contain a much smaller dosagee of Sildenafil Citrate to achieve the same result.
VaIkium as low as $2.85
VaIkium is indicated for the management of anxleety disorders or for the short-term relief of the symptoms of anxleety.
Generic Vlsagra as low as $3.5
Generic Vloagra, containing Sildenafil Citrate,
enables many men with ED to achieve or sustain an ereect peniis for seexuaI activity.
Xaneax as low as $2.54
Xanxax is effective in the treatment of Generalized Anxleety Disorder (GAD),
anxleety associated with depression, and Panic Disorder with or without agoraphobia.
Tamisflu as low as $3.78
This medipcine is an antiviraI agent used to treat the
flu (influenza A and B) in patients one year of age and older who have had symptoms for no more than two days.
Sxoma as low as $1.22
Seoma works to reIaax the muscles by blocking pain messages sent to the brain.
Amblewm as low as $2.86
Amblefm (chemical name ZopIpidem) is a sedative-hypnotic used for the short-term treatment
of insomnia (difficulty falling or staying asleep).
Human Growth Horkmone as low as $43.37
Human Growth Horomone increases your metabolism helping to break down fat, build proteins, and create lean muscle.
Maeridia as low as $3.32
Mxeridia is most commonly used as a short-term supplement to diet and exercise in the treatment of welght los.
Lehvitra as low as $11.97
Leevitra is a new FDA-approved oral prescription meditcation for the treatment of ereectiIe dysfunction (ED) in men.