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[Cardinal-dev] excision

From: Becky Pineda
Subject: [Cardinal-dev] excision
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 00:53:06 +0100

You already knew that Shelah Fane had not been murdered at twominutes past eight. I have now little more than half thepieces I had before.
If only it happened you understood Chinese language, hereplied.
His manner was calm, unperturbed, andseemingly he was in the frankest of moods.
Spencer, kindly seethat all effects in stateroom belonging to Mr. The actor made no answer, nor did he so much as look up.
Thats a nasty scratch on your forehead, Martino, the fortune-tellercried.
I strolled in here and smoked a cigarette he gave me.
Of course, nodded the actress, and speaking of repose, I hope youllsearch my room first.
As formyself, he added a third time, I have plenty good business here.
He remained with you while you smoked it? Much the safest place to have you, Chan returned.
You already knew that Shelah Fane had not been murdered at twominutes past eight. It is a matter that can easily be verified, the detective reminded himslowly.
He took a handkerchief from a side pocket andmopped his forehead.
It was eight-twenty-five, so I went to my room to brush up and getmy hat. He stood for a moment, looking at the tiny letterB done with black ink on the silk border. I am most eager that you return to subject at once. At crucial point you suffered very bluntinterruption.
Temple bronze medal, Third Prize, Landscapes in oils, he read.
You discover Miss Shelah Fane alonein pavilion. You wish me to believeyou killed Shelah Fane.
Charlie laid a conciliatory hand on Tarneverros arm.
I fear I can not offer my unknown friend warmcongratulations on his originality this time. I had arrived at the theaterearly, I neednt go on for forty-five minutes. He stirreduneasily, and sought for words to break the spell.
Calm, unmoved, quite motionless,Chan stared into the mans face.
As for you, I suggest you travel out to lanaisit upon a chair and think about your sins. I have now little more than half thepieces I had before.
I am doing something now for your benefitalone, Mr.
I thought thenthat I felt a little tug at my pocket.
When the butler appeared, Chan asked that hesend in Wu Kno-ching at once.

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