In principle we could, and apart from doubling the number of threads I
see no drawback. The idea is that the run method(s) must execute the
following 4 methods:
and these could be distributed between two threads, in a say
'DualThreadRTPSession' template. In the extreme case you could even
have 4 threads. I'm curious, have you find any scenario where having
just one thread downgrades performance?
On Tue, Nov 23, 2004 at 06:59:57PM +0100, Guillaume Glodas wrote:
why can't we use to threads : one for receiving packets, one for
managing scheduled packets sending?
Guillaume Glodas
Le mar 21/09/2004 à 14:49, Federico Montesino Pouzols a écrit :
Looks interesting, however, the new run method waits for
would it block the reception service when there are no outgoing
packets? After a first look I got that impression.
On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 01:55:16PM +0200, Guillaume Glodas wrote:
When there is no data to send, the ccrtp thread waits until
defaultSchedulingTimeout is reached even if data are pushed in the
queue. When defaultSchedulingTimeout is too high it can cause
packet to
be sent too late, when defaultSchedulingTimeout is too small it can
increase the load of the computer.
That's why we propose to replace this timeout with a
OutgoingDataQueue::waitData method which waits until the queue is no
more empty or a timeout is reached. It seems to dicrease computer
What do you think about this modification?
Guillaume Glodas
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