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Re: [Cfengine-develop] Development plan / meeting

From: Mark Burgess
Subject: Re: [Cfengine-develop] Development plan / meeting
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 12:55:08 +0100 (MET)

>  - If the parser/lexer is rewritten. We can remove a lot of code
>    from cfengine. Like checking if we suppply the right keywords
>    with the right values, eg: Now there are checks everywhere
>    if we supplied a integer to a keyword. I personnaly think
>    that this will make the cfengine source more readable, 
>    extendable and maintenable.

I suggest that, along side the current cfengine development,
someone prototypes a "mockup" new parser, showing the
structure and grammar.

That can be incorporated at a later stage. It is such an important
thing to get right that we need a "toy model" before we can
do anything "for real".


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