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Re: [Cfengine-develop] Cfengine development team

From: Bas van der Vlies
Subject: Re: [Cfengine-develop] Cfengine development team
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2003 10:05:39 +0200
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address@hidden wrote:
The responsiveness of the devlopment list is not encouraging.

I need to know if any of you are able to meet up at LISA2003
to know if I should organize a cfengine workshop there.

I'm also still keen to hear about the syntax proposal for
procedure calls.

Maybe i will attend LISA2003. But that decision will be made on
the last moment.  23 June i will attend Cluster World conference
in San Jose

*                                                                  *
*  Bas van der Vlies                     e-mail: address@hidden      *
*  SARA - Academic Computing Services    phone:  +31 20 592 8012   *
*  Kruislaan 415                         fax:    +31 20 6683167    *
*  1098 SJ Amsterdam                                               *
*                                                                  *

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