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[Chicken-users] Generated code

From: tonyg
Subject: [Chicken-users] Generated code
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 17:16:51 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Felix: would it be possible to put a wee comment next to generated
function definitions, something like:

        /* Generated within definition of foreach1 */
        static C_word C_fcall f4639(C_word t0,C_word t1){

(or even better, an approximate line number) so that it's easier to
see where the code came from and what it's supposed to be doing?


"Rather than go see a real small town for free, he had paid money to
see a pretend one, and rather than see it with the naked eye he was
watching it on television. And rather than stay home and read a book,
I was watching him."  -- Neal Stephenson, command.txt

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