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Re: [Chicken-users] Multiple return values

From: Peter Keller
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Multiple return values
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 09:56:36 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.2i


On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 09:22:55AM +0200, Felix wrote:
> [syntax] (define-location NAME TYPE [INIT])
>    the same as `define-external', but not visible
>    outside the current file.

Why did you make this choice to keep the variable local to the current
file? What would happen if you lifted this restriction?

> [syntax] (let-location ((NAME TYPE [INIT]) ...) BODY ...)
>    creates a lexically bound C variable.

I like the [INIT] bit since it allows you to translate between scheme
objects and C types.

Though, suppose something like this happens:
(define foo 134324234234) ;; Suppose you used my GNU MP FFI...
(let-location ((i int foo))

Now, chicken has to check to see if foo will "fit" into the integer i, if not
then i has to get assigned INT_MAX or something like that.
However, since chicken currently can't support numbers larger than a C_word
it won't be a problem, but it should be thought about. And, uh, what about
long long. :)

> (declare (foreign-declare "#include <math.h>"))
> (define modf (foreign-lambda double "modf" double (pointer double)))
> (let-location ([i double])
>    (let ([f (modf 1.99 (location i))])
>      (print "i: " i ", f: " f) ) )


What about arrays?

;; does this make sense?
(let-location ((i integer (s32vector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))

> I still have to run a couple of tests (generated
> FFI code has been slightly improved), but this should
> be available soon.

Will this affect current FFI code?

> Notes:
> - the types given to define-location/let-location
>    have to have known sizes (only simple or pointer types)

I, and I'm sure others, really appreciate the additions you are doing
to chicken in this area, Felix. Thank you.


P.S. I suppose if I pester enough, a solution for structures might be
figured out as well? *grin*

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