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[Chicken-users] Re: crashes during return-from-callbacks

From: Daniel B. Faken
Subject: [Chicken-users] Re: crashes during return-from-callbacks
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 16:37:52 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, felix winkelmann wrote:
> On 9/7/05, Daniel B. Faken <address@hidden> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> >   I've been working on this for a few days, but can't seem to make any
> > progress...
> >   I'm making callbacks via C_callback() into a closure created by eval'd
> > code.  SOMETIMES when I return the value back to C, I get a crash in some
> > subroutine called by C_do_apply() when the eval'd fn is returning...
> First thing to make sure: are you _always_ invoking your callback via
> `foreign-safe-lambda[*]'?

I'm calling-back *into scheme* from C, after exiting the toplevel via 

But yes, when I am doing scheme->c callbacks that potentially go back to 
scheme, I'm doing safe-lambda/primitives.

> > 
> >   Its been very hard to track down what is causing this; all I can say is
> > that it is affected by calls to (print) in the called-back scheme
> > function.  Specifically, if I print some of the parameters I'm passing via
> > C_callback().  But the function doesn't crash during the printing -- only
> > after it reaches the second-to-last statement (which generates output, so
> > I know it is called).  The last statement just returns the value.
> >   (This is after calling CHICKEN_run(C_toplevel) and after saving the
> > input params via C_save()).
> Second thing: are you messing with the temporary stack in some ways?
> (i.e. use C_save()/C_restore())

The only thing I do is use C_save() to pass parameters to the function 
called in C_callback().
Nothing else... I manually inserted some C_stack_check code, but they 
didn't report anything.

> >   Are there any secret options for debugging the compiler/evaluator? :)
> >   The next thing I can think of is just compiling the whole enchilada with
> > -g... yikes.
> Yes, that's what I would do in this case... Is your code big, does it have
> a lot of external dependencies? Can you reduce the problem to something
> I can try out myself?

Yes, quite big and dependent.  This is the chromium stuff.  The previous 
release I made probably would have the same issues if some print statements 

I've tried recreating the problem, but no success so far in smaller 
situations..  I'll try some more, though.


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