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[Chicken-users] require-extension and the compiler

From: Shawn Rutledge
Subject: [Chicken-users] require-extension and the compiler
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 13:53:55 -0700

So after installing spiffy I wanted a way to start it automatically
from /etc/init.d, so I wrote this spiffyd.scm:

(require-extension spiffy)
(load "/etc/spiffy-conf.scm")

and it works fine if I run it with csi.  If I compile it, then as long
as I have previously loaded the extension with csi, the binary will
also work.  But if I log out of this machine and then log back in and
just run the binary, I get an error like this:

[nucleus][01:12:34 PM] /usr/local/bin/spiffyd
Error: unbound variable: require-extension


Obviously some kind of caching is going on but I'm a bit surprised by
this behavior.  I finally RTFM'd a bit about require and
require-extension, but when I use require it loads spiffy.scm, and
when I use require-extension, it loads the .so.  I imagine the latter
is more efficient.

This is with chicken 1.89, maybe should try 2.0...

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