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Re: [Chicken-users] Adding a free slot to Chicken symbols

From: felix winkelmann
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Adding a free slot to Chicken symbols
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 14:34:11 +0200

On 4/11/06, John Cowan <address@hidden> wrote:
> felix winkelmann scripsit:
> > Sorry, what exactly doesn't work? Can you be more specific? Do you
> > mean uninterned symbols don't get GC'd when wrapped in a weak locative?
> $ csi
>   _______   _     __
>  / ___/ /  (_)___/ /_____ ___
> / /__/ _ \/ / __/  '_/ -_) _ \
> \___/_//_/_/\__/_/\_\\__/_//_/
> Version 2, Build 2 - windows-cygwin-x86 - [ dload ]
> (c)2000-2005 Felix L. Winkelmann
> #;1> (use lolevel)
> ; loading library lolevel ...
> #;2> (make-locative 'foo)
> Error: (make-locative) bad argument type - locative can not refer to objects 
> of this type: foo
> #;2> (make-weak-locative 'foo)
> Error: (make-weak-locative) bad argument type - locative can not refer to 
> objects of this type: foo
> #;2> (make-locative (gensym))
> Error: (make-locative) bad argument type - locative can not refer to objects 
> of this type: g0
> #;2> (make-weak-locative (gensym))
> Error: (make-weak-locative) bad argument type - locative can not refer to 
> objects of this type: g1
> #;2> (make-locative 'foo 0)
> Error: (make-locative) bad argument type - locative can not refer to objects 
> of this type: foo
> #;2> (make-weak-locative 'foo 0)
> Error: (make-weak-locative) bad argument type - locative can not refer to 
> objects of this type: foo
> #;2> (make-locative (gensym) 0)
> Error: (make-locative) bad argument type - locative can not refer to objects 
> of this type: g2
> #;2> (make-weak-locative (gensym) 0)
> Error: (make-weak-locative) bad argument type - locative can not refer to 
> objects of this type: g3
> #;2>

Urks. I see - it's disabled for symbols. I have to update the docs.


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