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Re: [Chicken-users] silex dies, probably __int64 problem

From: felix winkelmann
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] silex dies, probably __int64 problem
Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 23:39:39 -0700

What sort of error message do you get?

Normally, this should work - I can't figure out what's the
problem, unless I get more information.


On 5/31/06, Brandon J. Van Every <address@hidden> wrote:
silex dies on both MinGW and VC++ builds with CMake.  I think it is a
bug in easyffi.l.  It is looking for int64_t.  But that's not what's
used on MinGW and VC++ as per chicken.h, they're using __int64.  So my
layman's guess is easyffi.l is supposed to have __int64 somewhere, and
its absence causes silex to crash and burn.

Brandon Van Every

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