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[Chicken-users] incorrect assumptions?

From: Brandon J. Van Every
Subject: [Chicken-users] incorrect assumptions?
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 17:47:58 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)

I notice that has things like %CHICKEN_HOME% in it that are supposed to be substituted. performs these substitutions. Do I understand correctly that %SOMETHING% syntax is just there for sed's benefit in, and does not represent some kind of special Chicken syntax to pull values out of the environment or some such? If so, then when those substitutions are not performed, as in the case of the current CMake build, the values left in there are spurious. I haven't tested csc.exe at all in the past, so it's quite possible that the problem has always been there and I've never noticed it. That's an argument for a testing suite, incidentally. Just making sure the Chicken banner comes up isn't really testing.

It also strikes me as wholly incorrect to assume that the CHICKEN_HOME at build time is going to be the same as CHICKEN_HOME post-installation. I'm not in the habit of overwriting my old Chicken installation directories. Sometimes I just keep the old build in an old directory, change CHICKEN_HOME to point at a new one, and then off we go. Especially since I'm verifying bootstraps from old Chickens and building for 3 different platforms on Windows.

Brandon Van Every

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