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Re: [Chicken-users] Anyone have opengl examples?

From: Matthew Welland
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Anyone have opengl examples?
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 19:54:46 -0700
User-agent: KMail/1.8.3

On Tuesday 13 June 2006 16:50, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> Matthew Welland wrote:
> > I'm trying to learn opengl and use chicken. This is proving to be a
> > non-trivial exercise :-)
> >
> > Does anyone have any working opengl code examples they can share? I am
> > specifically having trouble with tesselation of polygons but any and all
> > examples would be interesting.
> I do not.  However, 1 month from now, it is my ambition to begin work on
> a "proper" OpenGL binding for Chicken Scheme, as well as examples of
> procedural content via hand-coded Scheme.  This is my opening salvo for
> taking over the game industry.  Additionally, the demos will be used for
> promoting LispSea, the currently forming Seattle Lisp chapter.
> for those interested.  The principal
> organizer is a Common Lisp pundit, but he currently recognizes that Lisp
> is weak in Seattle and he needs to cast the net wider to include
> Scheme.  My aim is to have Chicken Scheme be the best possible Scheme or
> Lisp solution for any Windows OpenGL game developer.

This sounds very very cool. I look forward to seeing it. Will your OpenGL 
binding be built on the existing one or will it start from scratch?

Attached is alpha.scm - a direct port to chicken of one of the examples that 
comes with the Ruby OpenGl port. I plan on working my way through the 
examples porting as many as I can in my effort to learn OpenGl. I'll keep 
them around in case they are of interest to others.

One suggestion for chicken eggs - I'd like to see examples installed along 
with the reference data where appropriate. Also, on completion of running 
chicken setup how about spitting out on-screen the URL or path to the 
installed docs. I had no idea that docs were being installed until I dug into 
the chicken install workings.

Lastly: The opengl egg doesn't install a help page.

Thank you to Felix and all who make Chicken possible!!


> I also plan to cooperate with Common Lisp developers when and if they
> get SBCL fully ported to Windows.  It's likely to happen as they already
> have a pre-release, but I won't hold my breath on how long it takes them
> to be ready for prime time.  I dumped Bigloo Scheme, went through a CL
> booster phase, then dumped that because there weren't any meaningful C
> FFI standards in the CL world, let alone any OpenGL standards.  Each CL
> implementation was "a right unto itself" and that's no different than
> the Scheme universe.  There were no compiled, standardized,
> well-supported open source CLs available on Windows last year.  GCL
> certainly didn't meet the bar of "well supported," for instance, and
> CLISP is well supported but not compiled.  Corman Lisp was available for
> $250, but I wasn't confident in its future and didn't feel like locking
> in.  So I landed on Chicken Scheme, trading some performance for a
> better license, a slightly bigger community, and some C++ support.  And
> also as it turns out, which I didn't expect, more control over its
> future.  In the sense of what platforms Chicken Scheme will ultimately
> build on, and be made available for.
> So, CL cooperation will probably mean getting them to bind OpenGL the
> same way, aggregating examples with documentation and treating them
> similarly, dealing with 3D file format imports similarly, and other
> meta-organizational issues.  But this is all contingent on CLers
> carrying their own ball.  I'm not going to do both, my priority is
> Chicken Scheme.  If Chicken Scheme ends up being a better real world
> game development solution than anything the CL community is willing to
> do, I have no problem with that at all.  I made my investment decision 9
> months ago when I started the CMake build.  It would take a large amount
> of $$$$$ for me to change my tune, and I don't see anyone beating down
> the doors of the game industry to use either CL or Scheme.  It's up to
> me to prove the business model, so I'll do it with my choice of tools.
> If anyone is interested in assisting with my goal, let me know.
> Otherwise, relax and bring some marshmellows.
> Cheers,
> Brandon Van Every
> _______________________________________________
> Chicken-users mailing list
> address@hidden

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Attachment: alpha.scm
Description: Text Data

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