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Re: [Chicken-users] cross compilation, emedded platform

From: Dan
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] cross compilation, emedded platform
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 13:06:05 -0700 (PDT)

> Very interesting! Basically, you should be able to
> build minimal chicken application by hand, provided
> youhave robustC compiler (it's not gcc, I suppose) 
> of the required libc functions (see chicken.h: it
> various macros named "C_strcmp", etc. which can be
> overridden by a preprocesor macro and an additional
> header file). You also have to check the direction
> into which the stack grows.

That's what I figured. What I need now is a tool to
log every shell command that a Makefile issues
(including recursiveley called make's). That way I can

1) run make on a clean source,

2) record all the commands

3) create a sandbox where the name of the original
compiler, linker etc. call the cross-compiler tools.
This can be done using symlinks, wrappers, and chroot.

4) Execute the logged commands in the sandbox.

Any ideas how to get the log? "make -n" outputs
commands without executing them, but stops when
required files have not been "made" along the way as
the Makefile expects.

-- Dan

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