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Re: [Chicken-users] Darcs-head Chicken broken on Cygwin

From: Brandon J. Van Every
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Darcs-head Chicken broken on Cygwin
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 22:37:53 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)

John Cowan wrote:
Using the autoconf tool chain, everything builds and
installs fine, but "(use srfi-1)", or any other unit,
fails with:

Error: (load-library) unable to load library
"No such file or directory"

        Call history:

        <eval>          (load-library (quote srfi-1))   <--

CMake is even worse off.  Doing "cmake ." crashes with:

CMake Error: File /opt/chicken/ does not exist.
CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
CONFIGURE_FILE Problem configuring file
-- Configuring done

I built CMake Cygwin this afternoon and had no problems. "csi -R srfi-1" worked fine.

If you are stumbling on, then somehow you do not have the most current sources, or else your Makefiles are based on an old CMakeList.txt. I will hazard a guess that you haven't pulled Darcs up-to-the-minute, or else you haven't built cleanly. Best practice with CMake is to do an out-of-source directory build, and when in doubt, to delete the target directory and start with nothing. It isn't strictly necessary to start clean, and most times you don't need to, but when in doubt start clean.

This is very bad.  I will revert to Chicken 2.315 for the time being.

If my prognostications are correct, then my future advice is, in the style of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy:

 "Don't Panic"

Brandon Van Every

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