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Re: [Chicken-users] pathname tests

From: Brandon J. Van Every
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] pathname tests
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:05:18 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)

Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
felix winkelmann wrote:
On 7/18/06, Brandon J. Van Every <address@hidden> wrote:

Are there any tests or invocations of stuff that are particularly likely
to require correct pathnames for

These should be defined as strings, with quotes and backslashes escaped through
backslashes - I think that is enough.

Ok, I'll make 'em that way, but are there any TESTS or INVOCATIONS for this? Stuff I can run and say, "Ah, ok, everything is definitely working."

Another issue is if quotes are escaped, whether whitespace should be escaped. Because I'm thinking the quotes will no longer protect the whitespace? I've currently got paths like:

# define C_INSTALL_INCLUDE_HOME \"E:\\Program Files\\Chicken\\include\"

Felix, for your perusal and input, I have pushed this particular style of pathname definition to Darcs. The CMake build is now broken. It dies in eval.c and library.c with the following errors. Please inform whether whitespace should be escaped or not.

Brandon J. Van address@hidden ~/msys/chicken
$ make -k
Building C object boot/CMakeFiles/libchicken-boot.dir/eval.obj
E:/devel/msys/chicken/boot/eval.c: In function `f_10516':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/boot/eval.c:5886: error: stray '\' in program
E:/devel/msys/chicken/boot/eval.c:5886: error: missing terminating " character
E:/devel/msys/chicken/boot/eval.c:5886: error: syntax error before ')' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/boot/eval.c:5886: error: too many arguments to function `C_mpointer'
E:/devel/msys/chicken/boot/eval.c:5886: error: syntax error before ';' token
make[2]: *** [boot/CMakeFiles/libchicken-boot.dir/eval.obj] Error 1
Building C object boot/CMakeFiles/libchicken-boot.dir/library.obj
E:/devel/msys/chicken/boot/library.c: In function `f_11936':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/boot/library.c:16512: error: stray '\' in program
E:/devel/msys/chicken/boot/library.c:16512: error: missing terminating " character E:/devel/msys/chicken/boot/library.c:16512: error: syntax error before ')' token E:/devel/msys/chicken/boot/library.c:16512: error: too many arguments to function `C_mpointer' E:/devel/msys/chicken/boot/library.c:16512: error: syntax error before ';' token
make[2]: *** [boot/CMakeFiles/libchicken-boot.dir/library.obj] Error 1
make[2]: Target `boot/CMakeFiles/libchicken-boot.dir/build' not remade because of errors.
make[1]: *** [boot/CMakeFiles/libchicken-boot.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
make: *** [all] Error 2
make: Target `default_target' not remade because of errors.

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