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Re: [Chicken-users] C_INSTALL_* surprises

From: Brandon J. Van Every
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] C_INSTALL_* surprises
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 00:47:57 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)

John Cowan wrote:
felix winkelmann scripsit:

On 7/19/06, Brandon J. Van Every <address@hidden> wrote:
In the ./configure build of chicken-defaults.h:

# define C_INSTALL_HOME "/cygdrive/c/Program 

I thought it would have been "/cygdrive/c/Program Files/cygchicken"
I have no clue what this is supposed to by on cygwin.

"/cygdrive/c" is the Cygwin way of saying "C:", so this pathname
is effectively "C:/Program Files/cygchicken".

However, the autoconf build on Cygwin into /usr/local, as it should.

The moral of the story is I shouldn't just use any old pathname when giving an example.  I'm not asking about the --prefix stuff; it's valid.  I'm asking about the share/chicken directory.  Why is that a "home?"  Generally when people call something a "HOME", they mean the toplevel directory of the installation.  I don't require gratuitous rewriting of the variable, as its purpose can be commented in the sources.  But a choice like C_INSTALL_SHARE_HOME would be more logical, if that's what's intended.

Brandon Van Every

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