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Re: [Chicken-users] scgi with lighttpd

From: Thomas Chust
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] scgi with lighttpd
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 01:17:06 +0200

On Wed, 4 Oct 2006, Ashish Shrestha wrote:

Sorry for not updating. Yes, I did find that out while I was trying
out different combinations. You mentioned documentation. I didn't find
much in the scgi and fastcgi modules. Where is it documented?

Hello Ashish,

the lighttpd distribution tarball that I downloaded contained a doc/ subdirectory which in turn contained scgi.txt and fastcgi.txt. scgi.txt didn't say much except that one should read fastcgi.txt, but that file contained a bunch of relevant information about the module's configuration.

Since I just started learning scheme and don't know much I am still
going over the scgi code and trying to understand it.

I am trying to modify to be able to program with 'url as interface' so when I access the url http://host/photos/album1/pic1 -- I can map /photos/* to a method photos and it can extract the album and picture out of the url instead of doing http://host/photos?album=1&pic=1. [...]

Well, with the builtin code of the SCGI egg this is not possible in a straightforward manner. You could add all the possible paths to the resources hash table, assigning them the same handler procedure, but this is not exactly very clean...

But you can always modify the boilerplate code. For example you could override the scgi:find-resource procedure to successively strip parts of the path argument to scgi:find-resource and look up the result in the underlying hash table again until you find a matching resource. The handler procedure for that resource could then look at the PATH_INFO entry in the environment itself to decide on further processing.

Something like the following untested version of scgi:find-resource should do the trick:

    (define (scgi:find-resource name)
      (call/synch (scgi:resources)
        (lambda (ht)
          (let loop ((path name))
              ((hash-table-ref/default ht path #f)
               => identity)
              ((string-index-right path #\/)
               => (lambda (i)
                    (loop (substring path 0 i))))

In your resource handler you would then probably do pattern matching on a decomposition of (hash-table-ref env "PATH_INFO") or direct regular expression matching on that string.

I think it would be useful because it allows urls like

http://host/weblog/2006/jan/ -- list of posts for jan 2006
http://host/weblog/2006/jan/15 -- post for 15 jan 2006 etc.

Personally I like request parameters better for parts of the URL that change dynamically -- but that's just a matter of taste most of the time.



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