;;; "sort.scm" Defines: sorted?, merge, merge!, sort, sort! ;;; Author : Richard A. O'Keefe (based on Prolog code by D.H.D.Warren) ;;; ;;; This code is in the public domain. ;;; Trivially modified for Chicken Scheme by John Cowan. ;;; Updated: 11 June 1991 ;;; Modified for scheme library: Aubrey Jaffer 19 Sept. 1991 ;;; Updated: 19 June 1995 ;;; (sort, sort!, sorted?): Generalized to strings by jaffer: 2003-09-09 ;;; (sort, sort!, sorted?): Generalized to arrays by jaffer: 2003-10-04 ;;; jaffer: 2006-10-08: ;;; (sort, sort!, sorted?, merge, merge!): Added optional KEY argument. (use array-lib) (declare (export sort sort! sorted? merge merge!)) (define (rank-1-array->list array) (define dimensions (array-dimensions array)) (do ((idx (+ -1 (car dimensions)) (+ -1 idx)) (lst '() (cons (array-ref array idx) lst))) ((< idx 0) lst))) (define (sort:make-predicate caller less? opt-key) (case (length opt-key) ((0) less?) ((1) (let ((key (car opt-key))) (lambda (a b) (less? (key a) (key b))))) (else (slib:error caller 'too-many-args (cdr opt-key))))) ;;; (sorted? sequence less?) ;;; is true when sequence is a list (x0 x1 ... xm) or a vector #(x0 ... xm) ;;; such that for all 1 <= i <= m, ;;; (not (less? (list-ref list i) (list-ref list (- i 1)))). ;@ (define (sorted? seq less? . opt-key) (set! less? (sort:make-predicate 'sorted? less? opt-key)) (cond ((null? seq) #t) ((array? seq) (let ((dims (array-dimensions seq))) (define dimax (+ -1 (car dims))) (or (<= dimax 0) (do ((i 1 (+ i 1))) ((or (= i dimax) (less? (array-ref seq i) (array-ref seq (- i 1)))) (= i dimax)))))) (else (let loop ((last (car seq)) (next (cdr seq))) (or (null? next) (and (not (less? (car next) last)) (loop (car next) (cdr next)))))))) ;;; (merge a b less?) ;;; takes two lists a and b such that (sorted? a less?) and (sorted? b less?) ;;; and returns a new list in which the elements of a and b have been stably ;;; interleaved so that (sorted? (merge a b less?) less?). ;;; Note: this does _not_ accept arrays. See below. ;@ (define (merge a b less? . opt-key) (set! less? (sort:make-predicate 'merge less? opt-key)) (cond ((null? a) b) ((null? b) a) (else (let loop ((x (car a)) (a (cdr a)) (y (car b)) (b (cdr b))) ;; The loop handles the merging of non-empty lists. It has ;; been written this way to save testing and car/cdring. (if (less? y x) (if (null? b) (cons y (cons x a)) (cons y (loop x a (car b) (cdr b)))) ;; x <= y (if (null? a) (cons x (cons y b)) (cons x (loop (car a) (cdr a) y b)))))))) (define (sort:merge! a b less?) (define (loop r a b) (if (less? (car b) (car a)) (begin (set-cdr! r b) (if (null? (cdr b)) (set-cdr! b a) (loop b a (cdr b)))) ;; (car a) <= (car b) (begin (set-cdr! r a) (if (null? (cdr a)) (set-cdr! a b) (loop a (cdr a) b))))) (cond ((null? a) b) ((null? b) a) ((less? (car b) (car a)) (if (null? (cdr b)) (set-cdr! b a) (loop b a (cdr b))) b) (else ; (car a) <= (car b) (if (null? (cdr a)) (set-cdr! a b) (loop a (cdr a) b)) a))) ;;; (merge! a b less?) ;;; takes two sorted lists a and b and smashes their cdr fields to form a ;;; single sorted list including the elements of both. ;;; Note: this does _not_ accept arrays. ;@ (define (merge! a b less? . opt-key) (sort:merge! a b (sort:make-predicate 'merge! less? opt-key))) (define (sort:sort! seq less?) (define (step n) (cond ((> n 2) (let* ((j (quotient n 2)) (a (step j)) (k (- n j)) (b (step k))) (sort:merge! a b less?))) ((= n 2) (let ((x (car seq)) (y (cadr seq)) (p seq)) (set! seq (cddr seq)) (cond ((less? y x) (set-car! p y) (set-car! (cdr p) x))) (set-cdr! (cdr p) '()) p)) ((= n 1) (let ((p seq)) (set! seq (cdr seq)) (set-cdr! p '()) p)) (else '()))) (cond ((array? seq) (let ((dims (array-dimensions seq)) (vec seq)) (set! seq (rank-1-array->list seq)) (do ((p (step (car dims)) (cdr p)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((null? p) vec) (array-set! vec (car p) i)))) (else ;; otherwise, assume it is a list (step (length seq))))) ;;; (sort! sequence less?) ;;; sorts the list, array, or string sequence destructively. It uses ;;; a version of merge-sort invented, to the best of my knowledge, by ;;; David H. D. Warren, and first used in the DEC-10 Prolog system. ;;; R. A. O'Keefe adapted it to work destructively in Scheme. ;;; A. Jaffer modified to always return the original pair. ;@ (define (sort! seq less? . opt-key) (define ret (sort:sort! seq (sort:make-predicate 'sort! less? opt-key))) (if (not (eq? ret seq)) (do ((crt ret (cdr crt))) ((eq? (cdr crt) seq) (set-cdr! crt ret) (let ((scar (car seq)) (scdr (cdr seq))) (set-car! seq (car ret)) (set-cdr! seq (cdr ret)) (set-car! ret scar) (set-cdr! ret scdr))))) seq) ;;; (sort sequence less?) ;;; sorts a array, string, or list non-destructively. It does this ;;; by sorting a copy of the sequence. My understanding is that the ;;; Standard says that the result of append is always "newly ;;; allocated" except for sharing structure with "the last argument", ;;; so (append x '()) ought to be a standard way of copying a list x. ;@ (define (sort seq less? . opt-key) (set! less? (sort:make-predicate 'sort less? opt-key)) (cond ((array? seq) (let ((dimensions (array-dimensions seq))) (define newra (apply make-array seq dimensions)) (do ((sorted (sort:sort! (rank-1-array->list seq) less?) (cdr sorted)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((null? sorted) newra) (array-set! newra (car sorted) i)))) (else (sort:sort! (append seq '()) less?))))