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Re: Quality Assurance (Was: Re: [Chicken-users] MORE EGGS!)

From: Peter Busser
Subject: Re: Quality Assurance (Was: Re: [Chicken-users] MORE EGGS!)
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 14:09:26 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i


> Here's an ideea -- chicken-setup should:
> 1) increment a web counter when somebody downloads an
> egg (perhaps tracking of the IP for uniqueness
> purposes). This way we can show no. of downloads next
> to each egg.

This information can already be extracted from the web server log file.

> 2) report back to base when egg compilation fails.
> It's a small start towards QA and it reduces the
> burden on disgusted users to report broken eggs.

Easing the bug report procedure is of course a good idea. But it should
be with the user's consent, not automatical.


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