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[Chicken-users] unable to an environment to inherit macros

From: Daishi Kato
Subject: [Chicken-users] unable to an environment to inherit macros
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 19:07:07 +0900


I would like to make an environment in which I can use streams.
stream-cons in srfi-40 is surely written as a macro,
and is not be able to be included in a new environment.

Any workaround for this?


 ___| |    _)      |
|     __ \  |  __| |  /  _ \ __ \
|     | | | | (      <   __/ |   |
\____|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\\___|_|  _|

Version 2.5 - linux-unix-gnu-x86 - [ dload ptables applyhook ]
(c)2000-2006 Felix L. Winkelmann
#;1> (use environments srfi-40)
; loading /usr/local/chicken-2.5/lib/chicken/1/srfi-40.scm ...
; loading /usr/local/chicken-2.5/lib/chicken/1/ ...
; loading /usr/local/chicken-2.5/lib/chicken/1/ ...
#;2> (define env (make-environment))
#;3> (environment-extend! env 'stream-cons stream-cons)
Error: unbound variable: stream-cons

       Call history:

       <eval>          (environment-extend! env (quote stream-cons)
stream-cons)       <--

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