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Re: [Chicken-users] syntax-case and #!rest, second attempt

From: Zbigniew
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] syntax-case and #!rest, second attempt
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 23:59:30 -0500


The #!rest syntax is supported directly by Chicken and it appears the
extra indirection involved in syntax-case is causing the #!rest
keyword to be renamed before Chicken sees it (as you've probably
surmised).  I do not know an easy way to fix this offhand, although
some syntax-case wizard might.  However, you might wish to try the
horrible hack below, which may work in a limited fashion.

(define-syntax test
 (lambda (x)
   (syntax-case x (#!rest)
     ((_ (name arg ... #!rest r) e0 e1 ...)
       (define (name arg ... . r)
         e0 e1 ...)))
     ((_ (name ...) body ...)
       (define (name ...)
         body ...))))))

On 8/25/07, address@hidden <address@hidden> wrote:
> Folks,
> Since I'm still having problems with syntax-case and rest arguments, I
> have devised the following example which hopefully makes my problem clear:
> (define-syntax test
>   (lambda (x)
>     (syntax-case x ()
>       ((_ (name ...) body ...)
>        (syntax
>         (define (name ...)
>           body ...))))))

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