Elf, do you mind not spreading incorrect information?
$ find . -wholename '*/trunk/*.meta' -exec grep GPL '{}' ';' | wc -l
$ find . -wholename '*/trunk/*.meta' -exec grep MIT '{}' ';' | wc -l
$ find . -wholename '*/trunk/*.meta' -exec grep SRFI '{}' ';' | wc -l
$ find . -wholename '*/trunk/*.meta' -exec grep -i "Public Domain" '{}' ';' |
wc -l
I maintain 26 eggs, 25 of which are licensed under the GPL. So there
are at least 18 other eggs under GPL/LGPL (most of them released
before GPL v3), 22 under the MIT license, 13 under the SRFI license,
15 released as public domain. And there are a handful in which the
license is listed as "unknown", "Open Source", "Bremer license", and
"Creative Commons".
Elf <address@hidden> writes:
to the best of my knowledge most of the currently maintained eggs
are BSD licenced, not (L)GPLvN (except for Ivan's). since theyve
mostly been ported from elsewhere, or are library bindings, it
should be fairly easy to see the dates of creation or what the
licence of the bound lib is...