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Re: [Chicken-users] Hang problem with the http egg.

From: Robin Lee Powell
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Hang problem with the http egg.
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 22:20:43 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.17+20080114 (2008-01-14)

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 09:35:45PM -0700, Robin Lee Powell wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 06:40:56PM +0100, Peter Bex wrote:
> [snip]
> > 
> > Where's this header coming from?  Perhaps CURL is sending a
> > request that looks different to the server, causing it to send a
> > different response?
> Ah-ha!  Right you are.
> curl is using HTTP/1.1.  The http egg is using HTTP/1.0.  If I
> force curl to HTTP/1.0, the same hang occurs.
> I consider this a bug both with the Selenium server (the hang
> itself) and with the http egg (no way to get it to use HTTP/1.1,
> even though it sends all the required headers).  http:make-request
> supports it, but http:GET won't pass the arguments through.

Bug submitted with Selenium.  Here's the patch for the http egg
problem.  Two different styles of optionals; feel free to pick only
one, whoever applies this.

--- http-client.scm     (revision 9407)
+++ http-client.scm     (working copy)
@@ -179,10 +179,16 @@
     "else return(NET_CONV(se->s_port));") )

 (define (http:send-request req . more)
-  (let-optionals more ([in #f]
-                      [out #f] )
+  (let-optionals more ([in             #f]
+                      [out             #f]
+                      [attributes      '()]
+                      [body            ""]
+                      [protocol        'HTTP/1.0]
+                      [unpbody         ""]
+                      [ip              "<unknown>"])
     (let* ([req (if (string? req)
-                   (http:make-request 'GET req '(("Connection" . "close")))
+                   (http:make-request
+                     'GET req (cons '("Connection" . "close") attributes) body 
unpbody protocol ip)
                    req) ]
           [as (remove (lambda (a) (string-ci=? (car a) "content-length"))
                        (http:request-attributes req))]
@@ -286,12 +292,17 @@
                         (http:request-attributes req)

-(define (http:GET req)
+(define (http:GET req
+                 #!key (attributes     '())
+                       (body           "")
+                       (protocol       'HTTP/1.0)
+                       (unpbody        "")
+                       (ip             "<unknown>"))
   (let ([req (cond ((http:request? req)
                    ((string? req)
-                     'GET req '(("Connection" . "close"))))
+                     'GET req (cons '("Connection" . "close") attributes) body 
unpbody protocol ip))
                     (error "http:GET" "unknown http request" req)))])
     (let-values ([(header a i o) (http:send-request req)])


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