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[Chicken-users] Re: Gtk2 egg on OS X

From: William Xu
Subject: [Chicken-users] Re: Gtk2 egg on OS X
Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2008 10:16:10 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.2.50 (darwin)

Tobia Conforto <address@hidden> writes:

> Error: unbound variable: |???|
>       Call history:
>       <syntax> (begin (require-for-syntax (quote gtk2-gobject)))
>       <syntax> (require-for-syntax (quote gtk2-gobject))
>       <syntax> (##core#require-for-syntax (quote gtk2-gobject))
>       <syntax>                (quote gtk2-gobject)    <--
> *** Shell command terminated with exit status 1: /usr/local/bin/
> wrap.scm -output-file wrap.c -quiet -run-time-macros

Wow, i got a similar error here while installing htmlprog.egg: (also on
Mac OS X)

downloading htmlprag.egg from (
eggs/3 80) .
  gzip -d -c /Users/william/src/eggs/downloads/htmlprag.egg | tar xf -
  /Users/william/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -s -R syntax-case
  -O2 -d1 htmlprag.scm -check-imports -emit-exports htmlprag.exports

Error: unbound variable: |??`?|

        Call history:

        <syntax> (begin (##core#require-extension (quote syntax-case)))
        <syntax> (##core#require-extension (quote syntax-case))
        <syntax> (begin (begin (##core#require-for-syntax (quote
syntax-case))) (##core#undefined))
        <syntax> (begin (##core#require-for-syntax (quote syntax-case)))
        <syntax> (##core#require-for-syntax (quote syntax-case))
        <syntax>                (quote syntax-case)     <--
*** Shell command terminated with exit status 1:
        /Users/william/bin/chicken htmlprag.scm -output-file htmlprag.c
        -dynamic -feature chicken-compile-shared -quiet -feature
        compiling-extension -require-extension syntax-case
        -optimize-level 2 -debug-level 1 -check-imports -emit-exports

Error: shell invocation failed with non-zero return status
"/Users/william/bin/csc -feature compiling-extension -s -R syntax-case
-O2 -d1 h...


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        If you are given an open-book exam, you will forget your book.

        If you are given a take-home exam, you will forget where you live.

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