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[Chicken-users] Profiling large programs

From: Sven . Hartrumpf
Subject: [Chicken-users] Profiling large programs
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 13:55:57 +0200 (CEST)

Hi all.

Compile times of chicken increase considerably when adding -profile.
For example,
17 hours on a recent 2.4GHz processor instead of just some minutes
without -profile.
Furthermore, the resulting C file is 1.3GB so that it cannot be
compiled by gcc. Here is the start of the resulting C file:

/* Generated from nallch.scm by the CHICKEN compiler
   2008-07-08 18:46
   Version 3.3.1 - linux-unix-gnu-x86   [ manyargs dload ]
   SVN rev. 10820  compiled 2008-05-14 on ki220 (Linux)
   command line: nallch.scm -debug-level 0 -optimize-level 1 -profile 
-output-file nallch3.c
   used units: library eval data_structures ports extras srfi_69 profiler posix 

Does anybody have any hints how to profile a large program?
(Separate compilation is not an option for me, currently.)


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