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Re: [Chicken-users] address@hidden: hygienic chicken: define-extension n

From: Hans Bulfone
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] address@hidden: hygienic chicken: define-extension not working...]
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 16:10:27 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.16 (2007-06-09)


On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 10:13:11PM +0200, felix winkelmann wrote:

> Hi, Hans!
> `define-extension' is not available in the hygienic chicken (the
> NEWS file is incorrect). I was never happy with that macro and
> with the modules, the need for it isn't really there any more.

didn't read the NEWS file, i just thought it was supposed to work
because the error was 'during expansion of define-extension'...

so far, using the new hygienic chicken has been a pleasure!
i'm probably going to upload my first "hygienic egg" later today.
i don't think i'll be using the old chicken again for anything new...

just porting the directfb egg might be a bit of work...
would it be possible to add a way to augment the set of exported
bindings from inside a module (or more specifically, in a macro that
is used in the module).  like i could define a macro that expands to

(define (some-computed-name ...) ...)
(declare (export some-computed-name))

in the old chicken.  that would save a lot of typing with those
numerous directfb structure-accessors.

anyway, i think the new hygienic version is a great step in the
development of chicken - thanks, felix, for making it happen!


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