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[Chicken-users] Xlib text question

From: William Ramsay
Subject: [Chicken-users] Xlib text question
Date: Thu, 01 Jan 2009 09:43:07 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080914)

Happy New Year,

Can anyone tell me what's going on when I use the following code:

(define xtextproperty-make
 (lambda (textp)
     ((tp (make-xtextproperty)))
(set-xtextproperty-value! tp (location textp))
     (set-xtextproperty-encoding! tp XA_STRING)
     (set-xtextproperty-format! tp 32)
     (set-xtextproperty-nitems! tp 1)

Then in my window creation code:

     ((textprop  (xtextproperty-make   "hello world")))


     (xsetwmname vs-display vs-window textprop)


All this compiles and works with on small flaw - all I get for the title is "hell" in my window.

Could the fact that I'm doing this on a 64 bit system have anything to do with it? Or am I doing something wrong?

Also the doc for the xlib egg has an error. Freeing a structure is given as: (free-<NAME>) -> C-POINTER

I think it should be:    (free-<NAME>   C-POINTER)


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