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[Chicken-users] sqlite3 egg patches for chicken experimental branch

From: Alan Post
Subject: [Chicken-users] sqlite3 egg patches for chicken experimental branch
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2011 14:11:07 -0700

noop and milliseconds->time are removed (after being deprecated) in
the experimental branch of chicken.  The following patches allow the
sqlite3 egg to compile against the chicken experimental branch. 

I'm least certain about the milliseconds-deprecate patch, as the
sqlite3 egg is declared to use fixnum arithmetic, which probably
degrades the resolution of the timer once this patch is applied.
As well, I'm taking advantage of a chicken-specific extension to
srfi-18 by calling thread-sleep! with a number of seconds rather
than a time object.

.i ko djuno fi le do sevzi

Attachment: noop-void.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: milliseconds-deprecate.patch
Description: Text document

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