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[Chicken-users] Issue loading a specifc file with Chicken-Slime

From: Conor Beverland
Subject: [Chicken-users] Issue loading a specifc file with Chicken-Slime
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 19:25:26 -0700
User-agent: KMail/1.13.5 (Linux/2.6.35-26-generic; KDE/4.6.1; x86_64; ; )


I have been working through SICP and so am pretty new to Scheme, Chicken, 
Emacs and Slime.

I'm using Chicken 4.6.0, the slime egg (at version 1.0 I believe) and a 
version of slime itself checked out from CVS on 2011-02-24.

It's been working great for me and I've been using C-c C-l to load files 
without any issue. Just now I copied and pasted some additional code from into an existing file that was 
working OK. 

My resulting file is here:

If I run csi on the command line then (load "thatfilefromthepaste.scm") works 

If I use C-c C-l within chicken-slime to do the same then I do not immediately 
see an error but nor do I see the "t" in the message buffer that I normally do. 
If I switch to the repl and try to invoke anything that was defined in the file 
I see a message like this: '"; pipelined request... (swank:listener-eval "ca'.

If I switch to the *inferior-lisp* buffer I see the following:

Error: (apply) call of non-procedure: ()

        Call history:

        <eval>    [apply-generic] (map type-tag args)
        <eval>    [type-tag] (pair? datum)
        <eval>    [type-tag] (number? datum)
        <eval>    [apply-generic] (get op type-tags)
        <eval>    [get] (hash-table-ref/default *op-table* (list op type) 
        <eval>    [get] (list op type)
        <eval>    [apply-generic] (apply proc (map contents args))
        <eval>    [apply-generic] (map contents args)
        <eval>    [contents] (pair? datum)
        <eval>    [contents] (number? datum)    <--

Any ideas? Issues with the code aside I would expect the same behaviour from 
(load ..) in csi as I would from C-c C-l in slime.


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