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[Chicken-users] Alex Shinn, Kon Lovett: list of eggs needing new release

From: Alan Post
Subject: [Chicken-users] Alex Shinn, Kon Lovett: list of eggs needing new releases
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2012 16:24:22 -0600

Based on recently deprecated functions in core, the following eggs
need new releases:

  condition-utils: patch to trunk attached.
  lookup-table:    patch to trunk attached.
  srfi-41:         1.2.2 no longer works, but trunk has been updated. 
  stack:           patch to trunk attached.
  utf8:            attached patch in previous message, but patch
                   repeated here.

It appears that the deprecated features used in these eggs are the
primary reasons for the majority of the test failures.  The owners
of these eggs are active here:

  Alex Shinn
    + utf8
  Kon Lovett
    + condition-utils
    + lookup-table
    + srfi-41
    + stack

I don't have the required permission in svn to correct these issues,
though I'm happy to be granted sufficient privilege to patch, test
and cut new releases for these eggs.  Otherwise, I've done what I
can and goddess speed both of you.  ^_^

.i ma'a lo bradi cu penmi gi'e du

Attachment: condition-utils.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: stack.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: lookup-table.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: utf8.patch
Description: Text document

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