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Re: [Chicken-users] Chicken and Cocos2Dx on Google Play!

From: Jason Ripley
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Chicken and Cocos2Dx on Google Play!
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2012 12:26:15 -0500

> If you have an Android phone, it'd appreciate if you took the time to check
> it out. I am particularly interested if the app won't start at all, and
> perhaps what framerate you're getting (very bottom-left). I know there is a
> memory leak somewhere (thanks Alaric!), but otherwise I hope things should
> be running fairly smoothly.

Hi Kris,

I ran your app on my android devices, and it ran fine on all of them.
Here are the frame rates:

HTC EVO 3D - 48 fps
Kindle Fire (1st gen)  - 52 fps
Motorola Droid (1st gen) - 25 fps

I just started looking at cocos2d-x for cross platform development,
and would be very interested to see the code for this application
(messy or not).  Also, I have a macbook, and a couple of old ipod
touches, so I could possibly see how/if it runs on them.


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