Re: [Chicken-users] Best way to share memory between C and Chicken
Dan Leslie
Re: [Chicken-users] Best way to share memory between C and Chicken
Fri, 03 May 2013 16:39:31 -0700
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130107 Thunderbird/17.0.2
Yah, I meant sem_wait et al.
I was under the impression that synch and mailbox rely on srfi-18
structures, which would make them 'green' threads-only and not
particularly suitable for multi process synchronization.
Relatedly, is anyone poking at implementing native threads?
I've been digging around a bit but haven't had much time to
progress very far.
I'm hesitant to take responsibility for writing a semaphore egg,
but what the hell. I'll start something on GitHub this weekend.
On 5/3/2013 4:22 PM, Ivan Raikov wrote:
Are you talking about POSIX semaphores, sem_wait(3)
and friends, or just the general semaphor data structure? If the
former, then the Chicken developers are eagerly awaiting your
patches ;-) If the latter, take a look at the synch and mailbox
eggs. They have mutex-like functionality that can be used in
place of proper semaphores.
On May 4, 2013 7:59 AM, "Dan Leslie" <address@hidden>
I was just poking through posix, posix-shm,
posix-utils, and posix-extras and it seems that none of
them implement semaphores!
Am I missing something, or is this actually the case?
On 5/3/2013 3:26 PM, Ivan Raikov wrote:
I really strongly advise _against_ using
SRFI-4 vectors for 4G files, as I have experienced
serious performance issues even with vectors of a few
million elements. If your C code is to be linked with
your Chicken code, you can pass the pointer to your data
from C to Scheme and use SRFI-4 foreign pointers to
access it (see unit lolevel for details). If the C code
is running as a separate process, you could try using
posix-shm to create shared memory between processes and
then use foreign pointers in the Chicken process.
On May 4, 2013 3:04 AM, "Pedro
Melendez" <address@hidden>
Hi all,
Sorry if this question is obvious, but I
couldn't find what I were looking for in the
documentation so maybe you guys can help me.
I am developing a prototype of a server that
would serve 3D seismic images across the network.
This task requires to process big files (~4 GB)
with existing C code that is desirable to
maintain. I plan to write the server itself in
Chicken scheme but I would need to maintain the
existing code in C that opens and process those
Giving the size of the file, I want to share
the memory space between C and Chicken and avoid
copying values between areas. Is that even
possible? Anyone has an idea on how can I address