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[Chicken-users] lambda's in a hash table

From: Claude Marinier
Subject: [Chicken-users] lambda's in a hash table
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2014 19:54:02 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.02 (DEB 1266 2009-07-14)


I can add lambdas to a hash table at run time, retrieve them, and execute them. This is very useful.

I would like to have the compiler do some of this for me. I probably cannot write a literal hash table but I expected to be able to write a literal association list. I have tried this but it does not work.

(declare (uses srfi-69))

(define a-list
    (dot  . ,(lambda () (display "dot\n")))
    (dash . ,(lambda () (display "dash\n")))

(define dict
  (alist->hash-table a-list))

(let ((func-dot (hash-table-ref dict 'dot))
      (func-dash (hash-table-ref dict 'dash)))

I have tried various ways of quoting but have not yet found something which works.

Can this be done or do I have to create it when the program starts?


Claude Marinier

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