Hello, all--
OK, first of all, I have not forgotten that the SXML tools are full of black magic, etc. - no need to rehash that discussion. And so if it is not deemed feasible to fix the misbehavior I'm seeing, so be it. But I couldn't let this pass without saying something.
I was building a new blog with Coq au vin, which uses Civet to process templates, which in turn uses SSAX ... and one of my XHTML templates caused the following error:
csi> (load-template "base.html")
Warning: DOCTYPE DECL html
http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd found and skipped
Error: XMLNS [4] for '
Call history:
civet-impl.scm:84: *template-path*
civet-impl.scm:439: make-pathname
civet-impl.scm:440: pathname-replace-extension
civet-impl.scm:441: template-cache-path
civet-impl.scm:88: *template-cache-path*
civet-impl.scm:89: template-path
civet-impl.scm:84: *template-path*
civet-impl.scm:89: make-pathname
civet-impl.scm:441: make-pathname
civet-impl.scm:442: update-cached-template?
civet-impl.scm:428: file-exists?
civet-impl.scm:429: file-exists?
civet-impl.scm:430: file-modification-time
civet-impl.scm:431: file-modification-time
civet-impl.scm:444: open-input-file
civet-impl.scm:447: ssax:xml->sxml <--
This is obviously not very informative - but more than that, I found it misleading, because it refers to 'XMLNS [4]' - so I thought at first there was an error related to a namespace. That was not the case, as you'll see.