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Re: [Chicken-users] Windows deployment - Numbers egg

From: Matt Welland
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Windows deployment - Numbers egg
Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2015 22:31:01 -0700

An alternative to statically compiling is to use the deploy feature of csc to make a directory with all the items you need. When you start working with IUP I think it will be your only choice. Here is a snippet of a Makefile that I used to deploy a project to a directory on windows. You can then use Inno Setup to make an installer with the directory contents or just zip it up and share.
=====================Makefile example===============

CHICKEN_INSTALL=chicken-install $(PROXY) -deploy -p farmsim

farmsim/farmsim : farmsim.scm boxes.scm common.scm ezxcolors.scm simevents.scm farmsim/ farmsim/ farmsim/ farmsim/ farmsim/ farmsim/ farmsim/ farmsim/ farmsim/
	csc -deploy farmsim.scm

farmsim/ :

farmsim/ :

farmsim/ :

farmsim/ :

farmsim/ :

farmsim/ :

farmsim/ : # $(MATTSUTILS)/qtree/qtree.scm
	$(CHICKEN_INSTALL) qtree -l $(MATTSUTILS) -transport local

farmsim/ :   # $(MATTSUTILS)/vcd/vcd.scm
	$(CHICKEN_INSTALL) vcd -l $(MATTSUTILS) -transport local

farmsim/ : # $(MATTSUTILS)/ezxgui/ezxgui.scm
	$(CHICKEN_INSTALL) ezxgui -l $(MATTSUTILS) -transport local

farmsim/ : # $(MATTSUTILS)/geolib/geolib.scm 
	$(CHICKEN_INSTALL) geolib -l $(MATTSUTILS) -transport local

On Sat, Oct 3, 2015 at 6:50 PM, Robert Herman <address@hidden> wrote:
I have been learning Chicken by incrementally building a program that returns a number of digits of Pi based on an already-existing algorithm that implements the Chudnovsky method. I have a command line version working, thanks to all of the help here, that writes the file as well as displays the output in the command line.
If I just: csc Pi-Ch.scm I get a 77kB exe that runs fine on my machine. In order to share it with my son, I need to statically compile it with all of its dependencies, like so:

csc -deploy -static Pi-Ch.scm

I returns an error:

Error: (require) cannot load extension: numbers
        Call history:
        Pi-Ch.scm:16: ##sys#require             <--

I found the file, but Windows needs a dll file. I plan on downloading the numbers egg source, and seeing if there's any reason I could not compile the file to numbers.dll. Any leads or tips?

Next step will be to create an IUP GUI for the program to complete the exercise.



PS: Here's the code to date:

;;; Program to use the chudnovsky formula to compute pi.
;;; Written by Bakul Shah.
;;; Changed by Bradley Lucier to use standard arithmetic operations
;;; available in Gambit Scheme and to replace (floor (/ ...)) by
;;; (quotient ...)

;; Don't try running this benchmark with Gauche, it'll consume all
;; your computer's memory!

;;;; I removed the conditional statements to make it run across different
;;;; scheme implementations.
;;;; I added the use numbers and extras at the top, and the last 8 lines
;;;; to prompt user and to display the results and write to a file.
;;;; TODO: Deploy to Windows 32-bit, and create an IUP-based GUI for it.
;;;; RPH - 4/10/2015

(use numbers extras)

(define integer-sqrt exact-integer-sqrt)

(define ch-A 13591409)
(define ch-B 545140134)
(define ch-C 640320)
(define ch-C^3 (expt 640320 3))
(define ch-D 12)

(define (ch-split a b)
  (if (= 1 (- b a))
      (let ((g (* (- (* 6 b) 5) (- (* 2 b) 1) (- (* 6 b) 1))))
        (list g
              (quotient (* ch-C^3 (expt b 3)) 24)
              (* (expt -1 b) g (+ (* b ch-B) ch-A))))
      (let* ((mid (quotient (+ a b) 2))
             (gpq1 (ch-split a mid))    ;<<<<====
             (gpq2 (ch-split mid b))    ;<<<<====
             (g1 (car gpq1)) (p1 (cadr gpq1)) (q1 (caddr gpq1))
             (g2 (car gpq2)) (p2 (cadr gpq2)) (q2 (caddr gpq2)))
        (list (* g1 g2)
              (* p1 p2)
              (+ (* q1 p2) (* q2 g1))))))

(define (pich digits)
  (let* ((num-terms (inexact->exact (floor (+ 2 (/ digits 14.181647462)))))
         (sqrt-C (integer-sqrt (* ch-C (expt 100 digits)))))
    (let* ((gpq (ch-split 0 num-terms))
           (gs (car gpq)) (p (cadr gpq)) (q (caddr gpq)))
      (quotient (* p ch-C sqrt-C) (* ch-D (+ q (* p ch-A)))))))

(print "How many digits of Pi to compute?")
(define digits (read))

(print "Here you go:")
(print (pich digits))
(define file-name "pidigits.txt")
(with-output-to-file file-name
  (lambda ()
    (format #t "~A~%" (pich digits))))

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