Hi all,
Haven't played around with scheme in a while, but recently was motivated to take a peek at what eggs were currently available. I noticed at the [egg index](
http://wiki.call-cc.org/chicken-projects/egg-index-4.html) that although there is much useful info provided (such as description, license, and egg version), there are no egg release dates listed --- only the egg version number.
While I understand that some may be hesitant to display dates, since there are likely many chicken eggs that are good but also were released some time ago (and you may not want to give the impression that you've got old eggs), it makes it difficult for new users to get an idea of what's current/active vs possibly inactive. Date of the egg's release is just as important to see as its version or other info, and also sends a clear message that the egg index is more than just a showcase but is in fact *the* tool for finding and selecting eggs.
Does the egg packaging format support a field for release date?
-- John
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