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[Chicken-users] csi works, but not csc

From: Mark Carter
Subject: [Chicken-users] csi works, but not csc
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2018 22:06:12 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.9.1

I'm new to Scheme. I wrote a little program: cacc.scm.

When I type

    csi cacc.scm

the program runs successfully. However, when I try to compile it:

    csc cacc.scm

it prints out the following errors:

Error: during expansion of (dbind322 ...) - unbound variable: macro-helpers#list-destruc

    Call history:

    library.scm:3448: print-exit54375438
    library.scm:2290: body3981
    library.scm:2292: assign
    library.scm:3448: current-print-length54395440
    library.scm:2290: body3981
    library.scm:2292: assign
    library.scm:3926: ##sys#print
    library.scm:3188: case-sensitive
    library.scm:3189: keyword-style
    library.scm:3190: ##sys#print-length-limit
    library.scm:3297: outchr
    library.scm:3188: g5148
    library.scm:3927: print-call-chain
    library.scm:3882: ##sys#get-call-chain
    library.scm:3834: ##sys#make-vector
    library.scm:1371: ##sys#allocate-vector          <--

Error: shell command terminated with non-zero exit status 17920: '/usr/bin/chicken' 'cacc.scm' -output-file 'cacc.c'

What's the problem?

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