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Re: Noob needs current tutorial please

From: Stefan Schmiedl
Subject: Re: Noob needs current tutorial please
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 09:56:00 +0100

"Duke Normandin" <>, 10.01.2021, 05:05:

> Follow-up ...

> The code executed without a burp! :-) However ...

c:\>> csi -ss quickrep.scm <quickrep.dat 'a.*c' A
> xyzabcghi
> abxawxcgh
> foonly

> Something went off the rails! The regex did NOT work. The script
> simply spit the input back out. ad it worked, the output would have
> been:
> xyzAghi
> Agh
> foonly

> I'm on a Windoze10 box. Could that somehow be the problem?

Hi Duke,

strictly speaking, it's probably cmd.exe's fault, as it is similar
but not identical to shell behaviour. While I/O redirection works
the same way with <, >, 2>, cmd.exe does not do globbing, i.e.
expansion of wildcard patterns. Instead it passes the arguments
straight to the program handling them. Also, AFAIR it only uses
" for quoting, not '. powershell might show different behaviour.

So I'd expect that csi did not receive 


as commandline arguments but


which would not match the input you've provided.

Write a program echoing its commandline arguments to stdout
and then feed it with different types of arguments:

csi -ss echo.scm a b A 123 a.*c 'a.*c' "d e f" 'g h i' j\ k

to test which of your assumptions with respect to arguments hold.


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